Vinzent Alexander Zeband

Fullstack Developer & UI/UX

  1. Born in Germany

  2. The beginning of my journey

    My journey commenced with Visual Basic, swiftly transitioning to Java.

  3. Desktop and Game development

    I started developing substantial projects using Java, which ultimately served thousands of users. Additionally, I delved into the realm of reverse engineering.

  4. Fullstack development

    I embarked on full-stack web development, initially utilizing PHP and the Laravel (MVC) framework, and subsequently expanding my expertise to encompass various JavaScript frameworks.


Crafting accessible user experiences

Frontend Engineering

From concept, to implementation.

Extensive backend engineering

Backend Engineering

Creating performant backends.

Different languages, frameworks and tools

I speak many languages.

, is one.

  • React
  • NextJS
  • Spring
  • Astro

Missing something? Hit me up!

Quality through passion and skill

Passion is guaranteed, always.

My love is a driving motivator.

Varying complexity

From medium to large scale.

Any scale of application. I do it.

A glimpse of what is possible

Some of my work

Get a gist of my capabilities.

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    My personal portfolio, built with NextJS 14.1 and CSS Modules, was completed in less than a week and has been continuously improved since. The focus is on providing a familiar and professional experience for developer teams, with special attention to UI and UX design. In addition to showcasing my projects and skills, it also serves as a personal playground for new ideas.

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    Roadone30 is a German Motown music group for whom I developed multiple projects since 2019. It featured a blog, song lists, threads, a gallery, and more, built with NextJS 12, Planetscale (MySQL), Prisma, tRPC, NextAuth, and Cloudflare R2. The site is now offline due to changing requirements. This project reflects my earlier work and development as a programmer.

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    This secure URL shortener offers features such as expiration times, one-time use, and password protection, using AES encryption for enhanced data security. Developed with NextJS 15, Drizzle, and SQLite, the project demonstrates the implementation of modern database management, encryption, and frontend design.

Get in touch with me

Let's start our journey and have a non-binding chat.